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Why Business Ethics Matter in Human Resource Management (HR)

Updated: Oct 18, 2023

In today's business world, it's not just about a company's economic performance. Ethical leadership, talented individuals, and accountability are just as important. This is where business ethics come in. Business ethics can be defined as "the values and standards that guide the business in its interaction with stakeholders." Human Resource Management (HR) plays a crucial role in driving ethics in an organisation. In this blog post, we will discuss why business ethics matter in human resource management and how HR can ensure that ethical principles are upheld in the workplace.

The Role of HR in Driving Business Ethics

HR is responsible for ensuring that the code of conduct is implemented and followed by everyone in the organisation. HR should partner with and support the business, work closely with the leadership to protect organisational values, and define what ethics is and what it is not. HR should also formulate policies and set guidelines to implement ethics, encourage an ethical culture, and train employees on how to live ethically. In addition, HR should ensure that the business values are well communicated and lived by, including the new appointees, and champion accountability at all levels.

The Importance of Ethical Principles in an Organization

Ethical principles such as accountability, integrity, respect, honesty, and responsibility, as set by the organisation, should be applied to ensure ethical behaviour. When businesses consistently punish unethical behaviour, it discourages continuous misconduct that may affect not only the business but also society at large. It's critical that the decisions taken by the organisations should be applied fairly, as stakeholders need to trust the organisation. Failure to communicate such values to employees and ensure mutual understanding and implementation thereof might affect stakeholder relationships.

The Role of Line Managers in Upholding Ethical Principles

Line managers have a responsibility to communicate such values and ensure that they reward good behaviour, to encourage an ethical culture. Ethical decision-making should be championed, and accountability should be embraced at all levels. This is a shared responsibility and not just for HR.

Business Ethics in the Modern Workplace

New technologies, changes in the global economy, and social media are just some of the factors that have created new ethical challenges for businesses. This is why HR should work closely with the leadership to protect organisational values and define what ethics is and what it is not. HR should formulate policies and set guidelines to implement ethics, encourage an ethical culture, and train employees on how to live ethically.

"Business ethics is no longer an optional add-on, but an essential component for a sustainable business model. Human Resource Management plays a critical role in driving ethics in an organization and upholding ethical principles in the workplace."


Business ethics matter in human resource management because they are critical for the sustainability and resilience of an organisation. HR plays a crucial role in driving ethics in the organisation by supporting the business and ensuring that the code of conduct is implemented and followed by everyone. It's essential to uphold ethical principles in an organisation to drive value proposition, increase brand recognition, attract top talent and investors. While HR drives ethics, line managers also have a responsibility to communicate such values and ensure that they reward good behaviour. The workplace is evolving, and so do the ethical challenges that organisations face, which is why HR should work closely with the leadership to protect organisational values.

If you're a South African company looking for HR and business consulting services, DBD Solutions offer a range of services to support businesses in driving ethics and achieving their objectives. Contact us today to learn more about our services at /


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